Legal Notice
This site is the property of MAS LATOUR LAVAIL, Individual company (El), registered with the Corporate and Trade Register in Perpignan under the number 452 940 117 00032, head office located at 55 chemin Del Vives – 66000 PERPIGNAN
The site’s publishing director is Mr. Lionel LAVAIL, acting in his capacity as an independent contractor working on behalf of the individual company Mas Latour Lavail. This site complies with the provisions of the law of 6 January 1978 relative to information technology, files and civil liberties. Automated processing of personal data collected from this Website is subject to a declaration submitted to the “Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés” (CNIL: French Data Protection Authority).
The general structure, texts and images (animated or not) constituting this website are the property of EI Mas Latour Lavail. Any reproduction of this site, in full or in part, is forbidden without the prior, express consent of EI Mas Latour Lavail. Representation or reproduction by any means whatsoever constitutes infringement of copyright, which is sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The logos and brands displayed on the site are protected.
Any reproduction, in full or in part, of the MAS LATOUR LAVAIL brand without the prior, express consent of EI Mas Latour Lavail is forbidden. All product or company names mentioned on this site are the brands of their respective owners.
Hypertext links:
Finally, EI Mas Latour Lavail may not be held liable for the hypertext links leading to other resources on the Internet installed in the context of this website. Users and visitors to the website may not install a hyperlink leading to this site without the prior, express consent of EI Mas Latour Lavail.
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